The Power of LOVE…


So I’ve been on this whole LOVE kick lately. But not in a romantic way. More so focusing on the makeup of love itself. In the Bible it says that God is Love and that God is omnipotent and omnipresent which is fancy for He is everywhere. Does that mean that when wars break out, and girls are sold into sex trafficking, and famines are a constant battle in the world, that God is in that? because clearly that isn’t a depiction of any good, sure isn’t a depiction of love at all, right? If He’s everywhere, wouldn’t He be present in those instances? Why then are they allowed? And where is this LOVE that He is? Why does it seem like selfishness and self seeking ambition is all that leaks from us. Our faith has become a selfish feed to prosper us and bring us success, giving no care to our broken and downcast brothers and sisters who desperately need our help. Where is Love in that? God is everywhere, right?

Then it hit me….

Ephesians 6:12… For we wrestle, not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Yes! sometimes it takes placing the Bible and our faith to practical reality. Where it perfectly makes sense in our world especially when it comes to drawing in others. However, there is a part of our faith, the part that makes no common sense at times, the part that requires whole heartedly believing, and realizing that there is something far beyond human intellect, is realizing there is a spiritual conflict going on right in our midst. This conflict is the exact opposite of God’s Love and is in a constant fight against it and everything that looks like it, we are made in his image and in his likeness (Genesis 1:27) so that includes you and me.

Even in this God’s love is the most powerful force there is, because God is love. Without love there is an absence of the presence of God. It was out of love that Jesus Christ died on the cross. He did it so that we could have life and to have power and authority over the ill will of the devil that seeks to devour us. Its God’s love that truly changes lives. God’s love brings healing and restoration. His love can reach the places, and depths where no man can. His love uncovers our purpose and identity.

His love goes beyond our understanding, example. Paul persecuted christians in his hay day, yet God saw fit to call him and use him as one of the most prominent Apostles in biblical history. He literally went from murdering Christians to not only becoming a Christian, but also to becoming a minister for Christ. Even the christians couldn’t understand. Even I was like, “Woah!” However, it just goes to show how God’s grace and love is truly sufficient for all. God’s love flowed through Paul allowing him to to be filled with the very presence of God yet he once persecuted and murdered the very people God held near and dear to his heart. Wow …what a love.

God’s love never runs out. Sometimes we play the victim so well we all deserve Oscars. We run around throwing out the “I can’t trust because” I can’t love because” and yes things happen that deter our trust but think on this, Christ extended love, mercy, and grace to his very own murderers. I can’t say that on my own I would extend mercy to a murderer of my loved ones, let alone my own murderer. Such is love….when we decide to hate, we allow room for ill will. We leave room for darkness. Then a soul is turned away because we are offended and refuse to help. Nothing gets solved where hate dwells.

And so I thought… I proclaim to be Christian… when others encounter me, do they encounter love? or hate and judgment? When Christ died, He died for all. When He rose, He rose for all. Does my love, extend to all? Does my love reach all? I realized then what my pursuit for this life is. And that is to carry the love of Christ. The love that cast away all fears and all powers of darkness. In all that I do, I want this to be the foundation of it.  I’m a product of grace and mercy extended so effortlessly and willingly to me by, God. God, the creator of approximately 80 billion galaxies in our mind blowing incomprehensible universe.  My job now is to simply spread the love of Christ. Christ was available to all. He made himself available. Do I extend my time to others in help and service?

Bad things do happen, yet the moment God’s love has entered to restore and heal we become a living testament of that love with a mission to extend His love. Every Christian has a responsibility to administer love. How can we administer God with out administering the very thing that He is…which is love… These are just thoughts



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