When It Seems Way Beyond Reach

Have you ever felt like the visions or goals God gave to you are way out of your reach? Have you ever thought, “How in the world will I ever accomplish that?” Well to be honest, as strange as this may sound, those feelings are positive.

When God gives you a vision it is by default out of your natural reach to bring it to pass. We can never accomplish God’s vision for lives by our selves. We need His help. We must trust Him and depend on Him. This ensures that none of the glory goes to us but that all of it will go to God. Sometimes He will purposely bring you to the place where all of your natural resources have gone. You’ve used up every option card you had. Quite honestly sometimes you can feel like your stranded in the middle of a deserted place of no return. However, it is there that He desires you to turn to Him. (He really wanted us to do it way before then but hey at least the dry, hot, desert got our attention right? it works like a charm) When we make the choice to let go and let God, He has a clear pathway to operate and doesn’t have to compete with our worries, fears, and doubts, i.e our hissy little fits.

Look here sis, the truth is this, what God placed inside of you is beyond you. You just happen to carry it. Because He knew you were a perfect fit. You were THE dress to wear. Trust that God has the answers to bring HIS vision to past in your life. Your obedience to accept it is what matters. If God has given you visions and goals, the best place to start is in His presence. Dedicating time to prove that your committed to the gift He’s placed inside of you. In His presence He will release the blueprints, open the doors, little by little and step by step. With God nothing is impossible, He has our lives mapped out and sometimes we forget that.

Continue the journey of what just became the loveliest journey of your life, the infamous “Faith Walk.”

Don’t give up, but give in to the one who called you according to His divine purpose. How cool is that?!



One thought on “When It Seems Way Beyond Reach

  1. So,

    I just joined this wonderful blog today!! & lookie here! God has a word specifically for me in season! I have been given a vision from God and I have been on this faith walk for 3 years! I cant give any details as of yet because the faith walk is current! But, I can say one IMPORTANT factor that my sister in the lord touched on was Faith!

    Faith is believing before you see.. believing withough any evidence & Believing without any assistance from the 5 senses! (touch, smell, taste, feel, hear) So ex: I cannot see how this will happen… people have been saying this… I can’t feel that its coming! Those are the senses that you rub off and trust your creator.

    One thing I always say is that God never asked for your fiquring out of how it will come to pass… he just needs your faith in him that he can do the imopossible!

    Remember faith is Unlimited!


    Jenifer IRoc Jesus

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