In case you were thinking of calling it quits ……




I was wondering what to write today. But I knew that I had to because I felt a strong urge to. Then I said “hmm what to write about?” Then God said write from the heart. I said, “At the moment, I don’t know what is there.” He replied, “Me” Then I thought wow, even in moments when you feel that all is lost, your dreams are out of reach,  and that you have somewhat failed in a sense, just remember that if God dwells in your heart you are winning!

I’ve learned that God will separate you from things that seem so familiar, things you know you’ll be successful at, and close doors that seem promising, so that He can ensure you that He and only He will get the glory out of your life. And we have to keep in mind ladies, when we think we have reached the peek of unreachable dreams and visions, that God is always thinking bigger.

This season may seem like a down season. Friendships may be trailing off, your goals seem to more out of reach each day, and you might even think you are failing God (trick of the devil). You must know that God has not forgotten you. Understand that He’s closer than you realize. When the tears fall, understand that God will wipe them. The beauty of it all is knowing that His word over your life has to come to past. But we must have faith ladies and be obedient in order for that to happen. God gave us choice and free will. Choice is all yours my love. Bobbi Houston, Co-pastor of Hillsong said “There is a whole generation waiting on the other side of your obedience” Agreed much? I totally do.

In the mean time rest in His love that dwells so richly in you….His love that will never fail you….and could never be separated from you…. Your in this to win this my gorgeous sister Romans 8:35



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