Daddy’s Girls

Do you have a father? If the answer is no, what if I told you that you in fact could still be a daddy’s girl. If the answer is yes, what if I told you that you also could still be a daddy’s girl? Who are the daddy’s girls? what do they look like? Can you easily spot them? Are they spoiled, and stuck up? do they get everything they want and always have it their way? Are only the successful women products of “daddy’s girls?”  The CEO’s, Editors, Lawyers, Entreprenuer’s, did they all have successful relationships with their fathers? All of these questions are real life stereotypes of the worlds definition of daddy’s girls. The problem I find with most women in today’s generation, young and old, is not only the lack of fathers in their lives, but the lack of knowing who they are as a result of absent fathers. When one knows what they are truly worth, they refuse to settle. If for instance you found out that you have one of the rarest jewels in the world in your possession, thats worth 300 million dollars, your not going to pawn it at the pawn shop for 300 dollars. Then its something about having that knowledge that you hold something in your hand that is far from common and that can not be obtained by just anyone. Only the one offering 300 million for it or more can buy it. Well in this case you were the rarest jewel in the world that couldn’t be bought with any old price such as a lousy 300 million dollars. So first things first in understanding your worth, is understanding this, GIRL YOU ARE TO DIE FOR! And guess who bought you? the King of KIngs, the Lord of Lords, The creator of the universe, The savior of the World.  You see, the one who brought you to existence, the one who formed you in the womb, the one who gave you life, gave up his own life, just to buy you. The price tag on you was death and he bought you without missing a dime. As a matter of fact, He bought you and every other human being for the same price, even those who have yet to be born. You know why? Because you are His child, his baby, his girl. Sweetheart, you are the biggest daddy’s girl ever, with the best father that has ever existed.

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